Wednesday, August 25, 2010

West Virginia Grown

Today I visited a local farmer's market. I picked up some peaches, plums, nectarines and honey. I also talked with the nice older lady that was working. She said the idea of the market was to encourage people to eat more fruits and veggies, especially locally grown items. This not only helps local farmers but puts quality foods on the plates of families. She also informed me that the local farmers wanted to sell their goods but most were unwilling to sit around waiting for customers. That means that most items were brought in and sold to the market on consignment, which has its good and bad points.

I personally enjoy meeting people and getting to know a bit about them. If the farmers were present then the buyer could find out information on the produce and personal information about the farm and farmer. The farmer could receive input from the customers on what type of goods they are willing to purchase, which could expand the choices from the basics of corn, tomatoes and green beans to more "exotic" items like asparagus and okra, to name a few. However, I understand that a farmer's work is continuous and doesn't have time to sit around waiting and socializing.

However, it would be great if the local farmers and the foodies in the area could get together and chat about what we want from one another. More variety of fruits and veggies would be wonderful. Maybe the foodies could make up recipe cards so people could see what could be made with the staple veggies and the "exotics." Just a thought.

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